We were privileged to support Rear Adm. Michael Johnston, Commander of the U.S. Coast Guard Ninth District in his presentation of a special jersey commemorating the CCG's 60th Anniversary to Canadian Coast Guard Central Region Assistant Commissioner Marc-Andre Meunier. An updated signing of the Great Lakes Geographic Annex (CANUSLAK) agreement between the two Coast Guards was signed in Montreal, Quebec on December 2.
The Coast Guard says that keeping these waters clean and safe from threats of pollution is a top priority for both coast guards. The agreement is an operational annex plan to the bilateral Joint Marine Pollution Contingency Plan between United States and Canada, established to ensure coordinated planning, preparedness and response to any pollution incidents in shared waters on the Great Lakes and connecting waterways between. It allows both coast guards to work together efficiently to mitigate any potential pollution impacts in the environment.
The area of responsibility under the agreement extends along the United States-Canadian border, from the St. Lawrence River to the western point of Lake Superior – a distance of approximately 2,400 kilometers.
We are told the jersey will be hanging up at the Canadian Coast Guard Building in Montreal for years to come.
