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Konon Avdeev
Konon Avdeev

Where Can I Buy Chlorine Dioxide

The FDA issued a joint warning letter with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing for selling chlorine dioxide products that it fraudulently claims can treat or prevent COVID-19 in adults and children. This is especially concerning since children are a vulnerable population that may be at greater risk for adverse reactions from consuming chlorine dioxide. The FDA and FTC requested that the company respond in 48 hours describing the specific steps it has taken to correct the violations. Companies that sell products with unapproved claims to prevent, treat or cure COVID-19 may be subject to enforcement action, including but not limited to seizure or injunction.

where can i buy chlorine dioxide

Chlorine dioxide products have not been shown to be safe and effective for any use, including COVID-19, but these products continue to be sold as a remedy for treating autism, cancer, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and flu, among other conditions, despite their harmful effects.

Chlorine dioxide is a strong anti-infectious agent. It is antibacterial, antiviral, and can help improve oral health. Read more to learn about the health benefits and side effects of chlorine dioxide.

Chlorine dioxide is considered potentially toxic to humans at concentrations higher than 0.8 mg/L. Water purification tablets containing chlorine dioxide are marketed to campers, hikers, and backpackers to sanitize fresh water from rivers or lakes; make sure to carefully follow the instructions on the package if you use these products, and never use more than the recommended quantity per volume.

In lab tests, chlorine dioxide was more effective at inactivating fungal spores than chlorine. It inactivated fungal spores by damaging the cell wall and cell membrane, thus causing the leakage of cell substances and eventually, fungal death [9].

Low concentrations of chlorine dioxide are effective in reducing E. coli present in water. Various chlorine dioxide products can help disinfect water and produce safe drinking water [12].

In a 30-month prospective study, chlorine dioxide-treated water in a hospital decreased Legionella bacteria counts. Additionally, there were no patients that acquired Legionnaires disease during the study [13].

The bacteria on vegetable seed sprouts can cause stomach problems and disease outbreaks. Chlorine dioxide treatment and dry heating eliminated E. coli on radish seeds without damaging the seeds. Thus, it can help with food safety [11].

Chlorine dioxide treated-water significantly reduced Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria counts on baby spinach. However, non-culturable cells (bacteria that do not grow or divide) were still present. The treatment did not affect the quality of the baby spinach, but it reduced its photosynthetic abilities [12].

In a pilot study, chlorine dioxide gas disinfected gastrointestinal endoscopes, an instrument used to look at the inside lining of the digestive tract. The gas completely inactivated bacterial cells and disinfected all endoscopes [10].

Chlorine dioxide gas efficiently disinfected and improved air quality indoors after single (0.28L solution, 250 mg/L), double, and triple doses. All three doses reduced indoor bacteria and fungi concentrations, but the double and triple doses had significantly better antimicrobial effects [14].

In another study, a chlorine dioxide-based agent was more effective than hydrogen peroxide at killing bacteria that had enhanced resistance to chemical and radiation disinfection (B. pumilus SAFR-032 and Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6051). Chlorine dioxide can help sterilize peroxide- and UV-resistant spores in hospital environments [15].

In another study, chlorine dioxide decontaminated known pathogens that can cause infections in a hospital room. Although each hospital room had lower bacteria counts, 2 cleaning cycles failed to completely inactivate all harmful organisms [16].

In a week-long study (DB-RCT) of 15 subjects, a mouthwash containing chlorine dioxide decreased bad breath (more than the placebo). It also reduced the number of chemical compounds with distinct bad smells (hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide) [17].

In another study (TB-RCT) of 25 healthy subjects, mouthwash containing chlorine dioxide was as effective as an antibacterial mouthwash (chlorhexidine). There was no significant difference in plaque concentration or bacteria count. Although the chlorhexidine mouthwash initially had a lower bacteria count, there was no statistically significant difference [18].

Chlorine dioxide mouthwashes are available for purchase. If you use one, take special care not to swallow the solution, as the concentration of chlorine dioxide in these products is much higher than the threshold for safe consumption.

Normally, exposure to low amounts of chlorine dioxide is safe for humans. In a study of 17 dialysis patients, 1 month of exposure to chlorine dioxide-treated water did not have any toxic effects or cause anemia (low red blood cell levels) [24].

However, in rats, chlorine dioxide gas altered the structure of blood cells and prevented DNA formation in several organs. The changes in blood cells caused mild hemolytic anemia, a condition in which blood cells are destroyed and removed before their normal lifespan is over [25].

Chlorine dioxide products also tend to contain high levels of impurities (reactants with additional compounds). These products are useful for wastewater treatment but dangerous when in contact with humans or food [27].

Impurities are mainly caused by other chlorine compounds, such as chlorine and chloroxy anions (ClO2- or ClO3-). They can react with organic matter to form trihalomethane, a compound that causes cancer (carcinogen) [25].

Diclofenac is a drug that treats pain, arthritis, and migraines (NSAID). In water, chlorine dioxide can degrade diclofenac. While this is beneficial during water treatment (preventing trace amounts of drugs from persisting in drinking water), its effects on the human body are unknown [33].

Miracle Mineral Solution is a product that contains sodium chlorite, which reacts with an acid (like lemon juice) to form chlorine dioxide. The creator claimed that it can cure AIDS, cancer, hepatitis, malaria, and autism [37].

Our Oneness Water Purification Drops are to be combined with only the Sodium Chlorite Solution with the Citric Acid or Hydrochloric Acid solution. The end product, Chlorine Dioxide, when mixed with water will release a highly active form of oxygen which acts as a strong oxidant and antimicrobial agent. Adding appropriate measurements of chlorine dioxide to water will help neutralize any unpleasant tastes and will not discolor the water. Our convenient dropper bottle kits allow for easy mixing of the solution when treating smaller quantities of water.

Until recently, however, chlorine dioxide was not available for use on a "small-scale" or for topical application because the gas must be generated at the point of use and is not easily transported. But Biocide Systems has changed that.

Chlorine dioxide targets negatively charged odor molecules and eliminates them. It is effective at removing cigarette smoke odors and literally seeks out molecules that create pet waste, food/cooking, musty, mold/mildew, and even skunk odors. Whether you smell rotten food or your vehicle interior smells funky, ClO2 will fix it.

Chlorine dioxide has been promoted as an alternative for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, especially in Peru, despite the lack of evidence to support its efficacy. This study aimed to evaluate the factors associated with chlorine dioxide consumption in the Peruvian population.

Analytical cross-sectional study. An adult Peruvian population was evaluated where chlorine dioxide consumption was divided into two groups according to the purpose of use: as prevention (individuals without COVID-19 history) and as treatment (individuals with COVID-19 history). The associated factors in each group were evaluated using Poisson regressions with the bootstrapping resampling method.

The prevalence of chlorine dioxide consumption to treat COVID-19 was higher than prevent. It is important to apply information strategies, prioritizing population groups with certain characteristics that are associated with a higher consumption pattern.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused millions of deaths around the world, with the Americas being the region with the highest mortality rate [1], which has generated anguish and fear in the population. This, added to the atmosphere of uncertainty and the dissemination of a large amount of false information [2], has led the population to seek and adopt remedies that promise to be wildly effective to avoid contagion or death due to COVID-19 [3], leading to the use of substances such as chlorine dioxide [2].

Chlorine dioxide is a chemical compound that occurs as a highly reactive gas, so it is generally marketed and used in its liquid form or solution known as CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) [4]. Due to its strong oxidizing power, chlorine dioxide and its derivatives are used as disinfectant agents in different industrial processes [5]; however, during the pandemic, it has been promoted as an alternative for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, whose use has been reported by inhalation, oral and parenteral application [6]. This substance does not have sanitary approval for the prevention or treatment of any disease [7] and its efficacy has not been proven, while its risk of toxicity has been proven [8].

Peru is a country characterized by social and health inequalities [9], which have repercussions on access to health services in terms of policies, distribution of human resources, and infrastructure [10]. This, added to the widespread misinformation and promotion of pseudo-scientific therapies during the pandemic, resulted in an increased risk of ineffective and dangerous measures against COVID-19 that imply a risk to the health of citizens [2]. Even in 2021, the effects of the use of chlorine dioxide related to COVID-19 in the country have continued to be evaluated [11]. The present study aims to evaluate the factors associated with the consumption of chlorine dioxide in the Peruvian population, to foster strategies focused on the most prevalent groups, with the purpose of avoiding harmful outcomes in the population. 041b061a72


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