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Nikolai Muravyov
Nikolai Muravyov

Pink Floyd The Wall 320 Rar

In describing S. miyakojimenseYamazaki and Takushi (1991) suggested it was endemic to the Ryuku Islands; we have since found it to be more widely distributed, but still only along the island arc that runs south from Miyakojima Island to the Batanes Islands in the Philippines. Solanum miyakojimense is superficially similar to both S. procumbens and S. violaceum. It differs from S. procumbens, which occurs from China east to Thailand and the islands of Timor and Flores (Indonesia), in its seaside habitat; it can also be distinguished in its straight or only slightly curved stem prickles (versus strongly hooked), tiny inflorescences with only a few flowers with no or a very tiny peduncle (versus a longer thin peduncle), smaller flowers with broadly triangular corolla lobes (versus flowers with long-triangular corolla lobes), shorter pedicels in fruit and seeds with sinuate (versus pentagonal) cell walls. Berries of S. procumbens are bright red and globose at maturity, while those of S. miyakojimense are orange or orange-red and usually somewhat ellipsoid (Hsu et al. 2007).

Pink Floyd The Wall 320 Rar


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