Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Cac 2021
These options are only available at character creation screen, but all of them can be changed with a wish from dragon balls: "I want to be drop-dead gorgeous!" Also, you need to choose your name wisely; you will NOT be able to change it with the Dragon Balls.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Cac
Players must collect all seven Dragon Balls and use them to summon Shenron, the eternal dragon who grants wishes. Shenron will present the player with a number of wishes to select from. The last wish, "I want to become a Super Saiyan God," is the one to choose. A system message will then let them know that they will need to max out their friendship with Goku, Vegeta, Gohan & Videl, Gotenks and Pan before they can obtain the Super Saiyan God skill.